Specialty areas

We provide a wide range of clinical services (adults 18 years+)

Navigating life events and clarification of life decisions
Adjustments and life transitions
Career direction
Anxiety, depression and stress management
Self esteem and improving confidence
Complex trauma and emotion regulation
Grief and loss
Psychological impact of physical health illness

As a psychologist, I have an eclectic and practical approach, utilising evidence-based treatments tailored specifically to your situation. This may include integrating elements of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with mindfulness skills and effective coping strategies, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy approaches and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. I also believe in the positive impact of Compassion Focused Therapy in reducing distress and bringing understanding and acceptance to life events, making them easier to manage and navigate.

The initial step of reaching out for support can often be the most difficult hurdle to overcome. You can be assured that I’ll walk with you, at your pace and with genuine kindness and care for your situation.

Please note **North Light PSYCHOLOGY provides treatment and therapy only.  We DO NOT prepare reports for insurance purposes (e.g. Workcover/NDIS etc), legal proceedings (e.g. family or criminal law etc) or lawyers, nor act as an expert witness or advocate. Please discuss an alternative referral with your referrer/doctor if this is required.

Get in Touch

North Light Psychology – guiding people to enhance their capabilities, improve their wellbeing and make change happen. 

Find out how we can help you today.