
Renée Ryan, Psychologist

As a a psychologist, I have enjoyed the privilege of working with my clients for over 25 years.

My genuine and empathic approach allows us to establish an authentic therapeutic rapport to support you in feeling safe to disclose. You will find our bespoke and calming consulting suite is free from judgement, allowing for self exploration, combined with appropriate and useful strategies where you’ll be able to make change happen where you want it.

As a psychologist, I have an eclectic and practical approach, utilising evidence-based treatments tailored specifically to your situation. This may include integrating elements of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with mindfulness skills and effective coping strategies, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy approaches and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. I also believe in the positive impact of Compassion Focused Therapy in reducing distress and bringing understanding and acceptance to life events, making them easier to manage and navigate.

The initial step of reaching out for support can often be the most difficult hurdle to overcome. You can be assured that I’ll walk with you, at your pace and with genuine kindness and care for your situation.

Renée Ryan, Psychologist | MAPS

Where does North Light Psychology come from?

Renée was inspired to name the practice North Light Psychology, in recognition of North Light, a small lighthouse located at the northern tip of Mulgumpin (Moreton Island), about 40km offshore from Brisbane that holds significant meaning for Renée.

For many years, this part of the island with its rugged and unspoilt beauty, has provided Renée with an opportunity to re-connect with nature, contemplate and reflect on her life journey.

North Light Psychology – guiding people to enhance their capabilities, improve their wellbeing and make change happen. 

Find out how we can help you today.